Research Focus

At our department, we deal with the central challenges of the labour market in a rapidly changing world. Among other things, our research focuses on the labour market effects of increasing automation, the causes of inequalities in the labour market and the role of important labour market institutions such as trade unions, minimum wages and unemployment benefits. Current research projects deal with the following questions:

  • How does the process of advancing automation influence the wage negotiation strategies of trade unions?
  • What influence do technological innovations, such as the increasing use of artificial intelligence and the rapid rise in automation technologies, have on wage inequality, e.g. the gender pay gap?
  • How is integration into global value chains changing labour demand and wage formation in different sectors?


  • Brall, F., Schmid, R. (2023). Automation, robots and wage inequality in Germany: A decomposition analysis. LABOUR, 37(1), 33-95. 
  • Schmid, R. (2023). Migration and wage inequality: a detailed analysis for German metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions. Review of Regional Research, 43(1), 147-201. 


  • Cords, D., & Prettner, K. (2022). Technological unemployment revisited: automation in a search and matching framework. Oxford Economic Papers, 74(1), 115-135. 
  • Marczak, M., & Beissinger, T. (2022). A new sectoral unit labour cost indicator based on global value chains. Applied Economics Letters, 29(13), 1152-1157. 


  • Cords, D. (2021). Multi-Unionism at the Firm Level: The Impact of Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solutions on Labor Unions’ Merger Incentives. International Game Theory Review, 23(03), 2150003. 


  • Castagnetti, C., Rosti, L., & Töpfer, M. (2020). Discriminate me—If you can! The disappearance of the gender pay gap among public‐contest selected employees in Italy. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(6), 1040-1076. 


  • Proietti, T., Marczak, M., & Mazzi, G. (2019). A class of periodic trend models for seasonal time series. Journal of Forecasting, 38(2), 106-121. 


  • Marczak, M., Proietti, T., & Grassi, S. (2018). A data-cleaning augmented Kalman filter for robust estimation of state space models. Econometrics and Statistics, 5, 107-123. 
  • Pfeifer, G., Wahl, F., & Marczak, M. (2018). Illuminating the world cup effect: night lights evidence from South Africa. Journal of regional science, 58(5), 887-920. 


  • Marczak, M., & Gómez, V. (2017). Monthly US business cycle indicators: a new multivariate approach based on a band-pass filter. Empirical Economics, 52, 1379-1408. 
  • Proietti, T., Marczak, M., & Mazzi, G. (2017). EuroMInd‐D: A Density Estimate of Monthly Gross Domestic Product for the Euro Area. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(3), 683-703. 


  • Beissinger, T., Chusseau, N., & Hellier, J. (2016). Offshoring and labour market reforms in Germany: Assessment and policy implications. Economic Modelling53, 314-333.
  • Marczak, M., & Beissinger, T. (2016). Bidirectional relationship between investor sentiment and excess returns: New evidence from the Wavelet perspective. Applied Economics Letters, 23(18), 1305-1311. 
  • Marczak, M., & Proietti, T. (2016). Outlier detection in structural time series models: The indicator saturation approach. International Journal of Forecasting, 32(1), 180-202. 
  • Strifler, M., & Beissinger, T. (2016). Fairness considerations in labor union wage setting–a theoretical analysis. Scottish Journal of Political Economy63(3), 303-330.


  • Marczak, M., & Gómez, V. (2015). Cyclicality of real wages in the USA and Germany: New insights from wavelet analysis. Economic Modelling, 47, 40-52. 

2013 and Prior

  • Marczak, M., & Beissinger, T. (2013). Real wages and the business cycle in Germany. Empirical Economics, 44, 469-490. 
  • Stüber, H., & Beissinger, T. (2012). Does downward nominal wage rigidity dampen wage increases?. European Economic Review56(4), 870-887.
  • Knoppik, C., & Beissinger, T. (2009). Downward nominal wage rigidity in Europe: an analysis of European micro data from the ECHP 1994–2001. Empirical Economics36, 321-338.
  • Beissinger, T., & Knoppik, C. (2005). Sind Nominallöhne starr? Neuere Evidenz und wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik6(2), 171-188.
  • Beissinger, T., & Egger, H. (2004). Dynamic wage bargaining if benefits are tied to individual wages. Oxford Economic Papers56(3), 437-460.
  • Knoppik, C., & Beissinger, T. (2003). How rigid are nominal wages? Evidence and implications for Germany. Scandinavian Journal of Economics105(4), 619-641.
  • Beissinger, T. (2003). Strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft389.
  • Beissinger, T., & Büsse, O. (2001). Bismarck versus Beveridge: which unemployment compensation system is more prone to labor market shocks?. FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 78-102.
  • Beissinger, T., & Knoppik, C. (2001). Downward nominal rigidity in West German earnings, 1975-95. German Economic Review2(4), 385-417.


  • Schmid, R. (2022). Mind the gap: Effects of the national minimum wage on the gender wage gap in Germany. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 06-2022. 
  • Marczak, M., Beissinger, T., & Brall, F. (2022). Technical Change, Task Allocation, and Labor Unions. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 15632. 


  • Beissinger, T., Hellier, J., & Marczak, M. (2020). Divergence in labour force growth: should wages and prices grow faster in Germany?. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 13538. 


  • Seiffert, S. (2019). Go east: On the impact of the Transiberian Railway on economic development in Eastern Russia. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 02-2019. 


  • Marczak, M., & Beissinger, T. (2018). Competitiveness at the country-sector level: New measures based on global value chains. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 11499. 
  • Prettner, K.; Seiffert, S. (2018). The size of the middle class and educational outcomes: Theory and evidence from the Indian subcontinent. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 14-2018. 


  • Castagnetti, C., Rosti, L. and Töpfer, M., (2017). Overeducation and the Gender Pay Gap in Italy. A Double Selectivity Approach. DEM Working Papers Series, No 144. 
  • Cords, Dario (2017). Endogenous technology, matching, and labor unions: Does low-skilled immigration affect the technological alignment of the host country?. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 20-2017. 
  • Kukharskyy, B., Seiffert, S. (2017). Gun Violence in the U.S.: Correlates and Causes. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 04-2017. 
  • Töpfer, M. (2017). Detailed RIF decomposition with selection: The gender pay gap in Italy. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No. 26-2017. 


  • Baudy, P.; Cords, D. (2016). Deregulation of temporary agency employment in a unionized economy: Does this really lead to a substitution of regular employment?. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, No.  06-2016. 


  • Beissinger, T., Baudy, P. (2015). The Impact of Temporary Agency Work on Trade Union Wage Setting: A Theoretical Analysis. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 8802. 

2012 and Prior

  • Marczak, M., Gómez, V. (2012). SPECTRAN, a set of MATLAB programs for spectral analysis. FZID Discussion Paper, No. 60-2012. 
  • Beissinger, T. (2001). The impact of labor market reforms on capital flows, wages and unemployment. Wages and Unemployment. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 390.
  • Beissinger, T. (2001). Oil Price Shocks and the NAIRU. University of Regensburg Discussion Paper, No. 354.
  • Stüber, H. (2013). Wage rigidity in Germany. IAB-Bibliothek, No. 340, W. Bertelsmann Verlag (wbv), Bielefeld. 
  • Beißinger, T. (1996). Inflation und Arbeitslosigkeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: eine Analyse anhand von Modellen mit unvollkommenem Wettbewerb. Metropolis-Verlag.
  • Beißinger, T., & Stüber, H. (2010). Ursachen, Ausmaß und Implikationen von Abwärtsnominallohnstarrheit. Ökonomie, Technologie und Region. In U. Blien, et al. (eds.), Voraussetzungen, Formen und Folgen des Strukturwandels. (pp.  259-300). S. Roderer Verlag.
  • Beissinger, T. (2008). Neue Anforderungen an eine gesamtwirtschaftliche Stabilisierung. (New Challenges for Stabilization Policy). In M. von Hauff (ed.), Die Zukunftsfähigkeit der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. (pp. 283-326)Metropolis.
  • Beißinger, T., & Möller, J. (2000). Unemployment: theoretical explanations. In H. Wagner (ed.), Globalization and unemployment (pp. 89-133). Springer Berlin.
  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O., & Möller, J. (2000). Die Wechselwirkung von Universität und Wirtschaft in einer dynamischen Region - eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Universität Regensburg. In G. Braun, E. Voigt (eds.), Regionale Innovationspotentiale von Universitäten (pp. 41-65). Rostocker Beiträge zur Regional- und Strukturforschung.

  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O., & Möller, J. (1997). Die Regensburger Absolventenbefragung. In Möller, Joachim, Oberhofer, Walter (eds.), Universität und Region (pp15 – 26). Universitätsverlag Regensburg. 
  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O., & Möller, J. (1997). Die Universität aus der Sicht ihrer Absolventen. In Möller, Joachim, Oberhofer, Walter (eds.), Universität und Region (pp. 27 – 54). Universitätsverlag Regensburg. 
  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O., & Möller, J. (1997). Herkunft und Verbleib von Absolventen der Universität Regensburg. In Möller, Joachim, Oberhofer, Walter (eds.), Universität und Region (pp. 55 - 94). Universitätsverlag Regensburg. 
  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O., & Möller, J. (1997). Die Regensburger Unternehmensbefragung. In Möller, Joachim, Oberhofer, Walter (eds.), Universität und Region  (pp. 171 – 179). Universitätsverlag Regensburg. 
  • Beißinger, T., Büsse, O. (1997). Qualifikation, Innovation und Kooperation - Die regionale Industrie im Wandel und ihr Verhältnis zur Universität. In Möller, Joachim, Oberhofer, Walter (eds.), Universität und Region (pp. 180 – 223). Universitätsverlag Regensburg. 
  • Beißinger, T., & Möller, J. (1995). Sektorale Preis- und Lohnbildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Sectoral Price and Wage Determination in Germany]. In Gerlach, K. and Schettkat, R. (eds.), Determinanten der Lohnbildung. Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen (pp. 159-183). Edition Sigma.  
  • Stüber, H., & Beißinger, T. (2011). Geldpolitik Und Beschäftigung: Ist Niedrige Inflation Gift Für Den Arbeitsmarkt? (No. 2/2011). IAB-Kurzbericht.
  • Marczak, M., Klee, G. (2009). Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit sowie Frauen in Führungspositionen in baden-württembergischen Betrieben. IAW-Kurzbericht, No. 5. 
  • Beißinger, T. (2000). Techischer Fortschritt als Ursache sektoralen Wandels [Technological Progress as Cause for Sectoral Change]. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 29(1), 2-7.
  • Beifssinger, T. (1999). Verschiedene Konzepte der Substitutionselastizität. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium28, 390-393.
  • Beißinger, T. (1997). [Review of the Book Beiträge zur Neukeynesianischen Makroökonomie, In K. Gerlach, & R. Schettkat (eds.)]. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 38(4), 903-905.
  • Beißinger, T., & Möller, J. (1994). Die Neue Investitionstheorie. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium6, 270-275.


  • State Graduate Scholarships of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg for Ramona Schmid (scholarship received until 2021) 


  • State Graduate Scholarships of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg for Dario Cords (scholarship received until 2019) 
  • Norbert-Kloten-Award for applied economic research for the master's thesis "Multi-unionism at the Firm Level: A Theoretical Analysis" for Dario Cords 
  • Scholarship from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung for Philipp Baudy (scholarship received until 2018) 
  • Award of the employers’ federation Südwestmetall for the dissertation thesis „Four Essays in the Empirical Analysis of Business Cycles and Structural Breaks“ for Martyna Marczak 
  • „Young Researcher Best Paper Award“ of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (University of Hohenheim) for the article „Outlier Detection in Structural Time Series Models: the Indicator Saturation Approach“ for Martyna Marczak 


  • State Graduate Scholarships of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg for Marina Bonaccolto-Töpfer (scholarship received until 2017) 


  • State Graduate Scholarships of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg for Sebastian Seiffert (scholarship received until 2016) 


  • Award of the employers’ federation Südwestmetall for the diploma thesis „Das zyklische Verhalten der Reallöhne - eine empirische Analyse für Deutschland“ for Martyna Marczak 


  • Teaching award for the best lecture at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder for Thomas Beißinger for the lecture "Makroökonomie" 


  • Bayerische Landesbank Science Award for the habilitation thesis "Unemployment Compensation, Real Wages, and Unemployment" for Thomas Beißinger